Sunday 21 June 2009

What I didn't expcet from a shy guy!

So I went on a 48 hours cruise with a friend on Friday and came back this morning. We went dancing 11 pm and 10 min after being there a guy came after my friend. He was very persistent and didn't leave for almost 2 hours! I assumed he was drunk and tried to keep him away from my friend. It was very warm and he got us water and asked if we could sit somewhere and chat. We did and it turned out the guy wasn't drunk at all, he was a teetotaller! just like my friend . :)

I had noticed his shy, terrible dancer pal cheking me out when we were dancing but didn't make a move. We were stuck together as my friend was busy talking and this shy guy started taking to me. He seemed kind and honest. After 10 minutes this "shy" guy had suddenly become very interesting.

He was 27 and a very passionate drawer. He couldn't make a living out of drawing and was studying pharmacy. We talked for a while and he told me all about his family, relationships and etc. The second day we all met again and had dinner together, I had never laughed so much in my life!

We met on the dance floor later that night and talked more. He told me a strange sad story and I'd told him I'd like to see his drawings. He disappeared for a few minutes and came back with a marker and some bills he had picked up at the bar's counter. He did a fabolous drawing of a "simorgh" and wrote a romantic poem at the bottom of it.

He asked for my phone number and I said but you live in X city. He said but it's only half an hour from ur place. I didn't give him my number but he made sure he'll see me by saying he'll give me a better and bigger drawing and borrowing me some movies I wanted to see. The night was great, ended with a handshake and I'm hoping he'll ask for my number through his and my friend.

Turned out he wasn't shy at all ;)

See the drawing he did 3 am in the dark.